Don’t Let Those Bed Bugs Bite

You’re not the only one who loves your warm bed in the winter. While you’re getting nice and cozy, bed bugs could be too. It’s important to always keep a careful eye out for these pests, do your best to prevent them from enjoying breakfast in your bed, and get rid of them if you’ve got an infestation. You won’t be sleeping very tight when there are bed bugs out to bite!

Do You Have Bed Bugs?

It starts off with a single bite that you don’t even think twice about. When those bites multiply, that’s when uncertainty sets in… Do you have bed bugs?

The best way to tell if they’re in your home is to look for physical signs. Check for:

  • Rusty or reddish blood stains caused by bed bugs being crushed
  • Small dark spots, which are bed bug excrement and may bleed on the fabric like a marker would
  • Eggs and empty eggshells
  • Pale yellow skins that nymphs shed as they grow larger
  • Live bed bugs

While beds are their best bet at getting a good meal, these pests like to move too. Being excellent hitchhikers, they’ll tag along in suitcases, boxes, and shoes in order to be near a food supply. Bed bugs will feed on humans for a few minutes, then hide for five to ten days. They’ll move to secluded places such as upholstery, furniture crevices, behind baseboards, inside electrical sockets, or other small spots they can squeeze their thin bodies into.


Although bed bugs aren’t known to spread any diseases, their annoying presence may cause itching and loss of sleep. Because of this, it’s better to have none than have to control an infestation. Like any pest problem, prevention is the best solution!

Since bed bugs have the potential to hide and hitchhike almost anywhere they can feed on a host, vigilance is the key to bed bug prevention. Always do a quick check of upholstery before you sit down and double-check your clothes when out in public places such as movie theaters, stores, or workplaces. It’s especially important to inspect your hotel room when traveling. Although you’re on vacation, bed bugs don’t take time off!

Goodbye Bed Bugs!

Once you find a few, it’s important to act quickly. With females laying one to to five eggs per day, a small bed bug problem can quickly become an infestation. You won’t be stuck with these new roommates forever, but experienced help is recommended since 76% of pest professionals consider bed bugs to be the most difficult pest to control.

First things first when eliminating bed bugs: it’s necessary to properly prepare your home. Taking the initial steps of reducing clutter, isolating your bed, cleaning all items in the bed bug living area, and getting rid of their habitats will help speed up the process and keep those nasty little invaders out.

Insecticides or extreme heat are the most effective way to eliminate bed bugs. Let our team to take care of that!

If you suspect that you have an infestation, act now and get some help from Parker Pest Control. Get in touch with our team so you can sleep tight and not have those bed bugs bite!

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