How to Protect Your House From Mice This Winter

Winter is coming, and with it comes mice! Mice, rats and other rodents aren’t very fond of the winter season, so they look for shelter inside your home to stay warm in the colder months. These animals can put your health at risk because they carry diseases in their urine and droppings. Rodents reproduce fast and are good at hiding, which makes it hard to exterminate them without professional help. That’s why Parker Pest Control developed a proven mouse/rodent treatment that consists of four steps:


The first step is a complete inspection around the exterior of your house. We want to identify if you have areas that mice can use to gain access to your home, such as holes in the wall, vents, and gaps where your pipes are installed. Note that rodents can squeeze through very small spaces. It takes only a dime-sized hole to expose your home to a potential infestation.


Once we identify potential access points, it’s time to address the problem. We’ll discuss a few options to plug these holes and prevent mice from entering your property. For most cases, copper wire mesh will do the job. If rodents can’t seek shelter in your home, they’ll be forced to find another place to hide—that’s how you keep them away!


Once your house is secure, we’ll make sure you don’t have mice already living inside. At Parker Pest Control, we’re equipped with a device that emits ultraviolet light to help our technicians uncover mouse urine trails. This technology allows us to pinpoint mouse nests and destroy them. A female mouse can give birth to between five and 10 litters per year. Because baits are toxic, we limit their use in attics and crawl spaces.  


The last step is to set trapping devices in the living spaces in your home. Thanks to years of expertise, we know exactly where to place them to catch and eliminate any remaining mice. The use of ultraviolet light is also essential for this part of our mouse/rodent treatment.
At Parker Pest Control, we have a proven track record exterminating mouse/rodent infestations. We guarantee that our treatment can eliminate all mice for six months, and you will start seeing the results within two weeks. Contact us through our website or call us at (800) 324-2847, and we’ll get rid of any rodents for you.

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